ASTERISM, the Japanese rock trio hailing from Fukuoka, has been making waves worldwide with their youth-infused, high-energy instrumentals and extraordinary technical prowess. Formed in...
ZigZag Vodka debuted with a bang at The Upper HSE by Tivoli, New Delhi, delivering an unforgettable night of vibrant creativity and bold self-expression....
Calling all music and culture enthusiasts! Get ready for a vibrant three-day experience at the Kappa CULTR Festival, happening at Bolgatty Palace, Kochi from...
Prepare for an engaging experience at the 65th Spring Fest hosted by the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, scheduled to take place from January...
Oasis, India’s 2nd largest cultural festival organised by the students of BITS Pilani and hosting over 12,000+ participants—brings to you two of their most...
TuneCore, the popular digital music distributor for independent artists and labels, has come up with pocket-friendly solutions for unlimited music distribution. These plans offer...